
>> Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Masuk hari ni berduyun-duyun orang dok buat laporan polis pada Karpal... Berdemonstrasi tentang kebiadapan Karpal... Aku tak berapa ambik perhatian pasal Karpal... Biarlah pihak yang berwajib buat kerja depa... After all, they are paid to do that...

Cuma yang aku dok perati dan do pikirkan, satu aje... Ke mana perginya pihak berkuasa masa depa ni buat demonstrasi dan perarakan??? Adakah tidak ditunjukkan atau sebab depa ni orang-orang parti satu lagi???

Mengapa bila DS Nizar nak masuk ke pejabatnya, FRU dah standby??? Masa orang dok berkumpul bila new MB angkat sumpah, depa dah standby... Double standard ke??? Adil ke???

Aku ingat dulu KPN kata "Polis berkecuali"... Tetapi maaf ler, aku tak nampak mana "kecuali"nya... Kalu penyokong kerajaan boleh berkumpul tanpa permit tanpa kehadiran polis yang besar, mengapa ada pilih kasih bila tiba pada pembangkang...


Chaos in Perak

>> Friday, February 6, 2009


Guess by now everyone knows what is happening in Perak... Although I'm not a Perakian, but I feel sad and pity with the people of Perak... To me it shows how desperate BN is in getting hold of power... And I agree with CheDet's view on this. Read it here.

It a joke when BN excepted reps that has corruption cases to be heard and a rep who just jumped over and then re-jumped. What a player!!! And yet they think BN reps are cleaned... How can that be... I'm not suprised if these are the people going to be appointed as EXCO in returned for their 'contribution'...

Many people expect that a fresh election will be called... And to be fair, it should be an election... To give a new mandate to who ever wins... Now it seems, the people who votes is not important... What is more important is to gain power no matter what...


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